The Stitch is an opportunity to create a signature public open space and a year-round destination within the heart of Atlanta. Long known as the “city in a forest,” Atlanta has a civic identity that is integrally tied to its remarkably expansive and dense tree canopy.

The Stitch can dramatically increase tree canopy coverage, restore ecological systems, and improve the quality of life for local residents and visitors in an area where there is an urgent need for increased greenspace. The impact of the Stitch will extend well beyond its physical site boundaries, transforming the city's highway barrier into a park with vibrant streetscapes that draw community and link neighborhoods. Evaluation of existing site conditions reveals opportunities and challenges for creating a park that reflects the cultural heritage of the site, supports local communities and neighbors of the Stitch, and revitalizes neighborhoods through new uses and opportunities.


Open Space

Conceptual Studies

Click on each concept for a larger image (will open in a new window). Share your thoughts at the bottom of the page.
  • Concept 1

    Varied and distinct characteristics for each block within The Stitch, offering a diverse range of landscape identities and programs. The northern blocks feature urban tree groves and native urban gardens, while the central area is home to arts and cultural destinations. In the south, there are multi-generational play areas, public art opportunities, and interactive plazas, creating a rich, multifaceted environment.

  • Concept 2

    Three distinct park destinations and landscape experiences that correspond to the project's construction phases. Phase 1 focuses on arts and cultural programming, with pedestrian-friendly "festival streets" that can be closed for events like markets or concerts. Phase 2 extends opportunities for daily civic gathering and special events, while Phase 3 highlights neighborhood spaces for multi-generational play and recreation. Iconic bridges connect these phases and destinations.

  • Concept 3

    A singular, unified landscape highlighting Atlanta's identity as the “City in the Forest.” An urban canopy connects the site's complete streets and shared spaces, creating a verdant, shaded environment. Play, art, performance, markets, recreation, and respite are integrated into this green framework, reflecting the grandeur of The Connector below. Gateway experiences welcome communities from all directions, while treed streetscapes weave The Stitch seamlessly into the city.